Sunday, June 17, 2007

The view from above

Sometimes friends who don't live in London ask me how we cope with living here and having a baby. It's true that there are obvious downsides, but a completely new London has opened up to us since Olive arrived. Neighbours who pre-O maybe gave me a cursory nod on the way to and from work now stop and ask how we are, they know our names and we know theirs. We talk! Before I became a mother I was more used to not making eye contact on the tube. We have made so many new friends since we became parents and actually feel a part of our local community.

We are discovering this new London on foot. This is my view from above. My sweet curly haired beautiful Olive. I love the way she leans forward to take in her view. Now she is older she often twists around and gives me her wonderful wrinkly nose grin. She loves her London life and she is helping me love mine even more.


Unknown said...

The parks in London are really lovely for children. My little daughter Masha likes Greenwich Park most, but the Princess Diana playground at Hyde Park is wonderful as well.

Lindsay said...

Thanks Mihailik, we haven't been to the Diana playground at Hyde Park must give it a try. We're so lucky with open spaces in Londo, we love Victoria Park in Hackney and Clissold in Stoke Newington too.

Unknown said...

We've never been in Victoria park. You say it's good? Well, it's the only one Royal park we've never tried to go. Yes, we definitely shall have a look.

And have you ever been in those farms here in London? Well, it may seem trivial - just farm animals like pigs and ducks, but it's so cool for children. Here in Greenwich we've got such a farm in Maryon Wilson park, and even there are peacocks and turkeys, not counting donkey and horses.

Lindsay said...

Yes Victoria Park is lovely, very big and one of the oldest - Queen Victoria created it for the poor of east London 'the lungs of London' I think it was described as. There are some interesting shops and cafes around there too, I'll do a blog next time I'm over there.

I love London's city farms. Our local one is the Hackney City farm. It's fab, and has a wonderful Italian cafe attached too.